Like humans, plants need food too. With the right nutrients, your plants will grow better, and produce more yield. For wholesome growth, plants need a balanced mix of 16 different kinds of nutrients. Of these 16 elements Carbon (C), Hydrogen (H), & Oxygen (O) are supplied by air and water (CO2, O2, H2O).
The nutrients required in maximum quantity are Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), and Potassium (K), commonly referred to as major nutrients. Apart from NPK, plants may also need other macronutrients like Sulphur, Calcium, Magnesium, and a trace amount of micronutrients like Iron, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Boron, Molybdenum, and Chlorine.
You can use NPK in hydroponics,
soil, or coco peat farming for growing all kinds of leafy or fruity crops like spinach, lettuces, tomatoes, cucumber, bell pepper, coriander, arugula, gourds etc.
NPK combo contains all 6 macro nutrients and 5 micro nutrients, along with organic growth promoters silica & fulvic acid.
N: 24:00:00
Nitrogen (In Nitrate form), Calcium, Silica, Sulphur, Copper, Manganese, Zinc.
P: 05-26-00
Phosphate, Nitrogen (In Ammonical form), Fulvic acid, Iron, Boron
K: 06-00-19
Potassium Oxide, Nitrogen, Magnesium Oxide, Sulphur, Manganese, Calcium.
How to use NPK combo in Hydroponics?
Add equal quantities of N, K, & P till you reach a desired TDS level. For example if you need to achieve a tds of 600 ppm in a tank with 10 liters of RO water, add 3-5 ml each N, K, & P and mix thoroughly. Then check the tds, if the tds is reached to a desired range do not add nutrients any further, else continue to add nutrients. Make sure to add nutrients in less quantities to avoid high nutrient concentration.
NOTE: Store the nutrients away from sunlight and shake well before use.
Recommended TDS range for salad & leafy greens: 600 - 900 ppm.
Recommended TDS range for veggie plants: 900 - 1400 ppm
How to use NPK combo in Soil/Cocopeat Farming?
Prepare Nutrient Solution:
Add 2 ml of each N, K, & P in 1 liter of water to prepare nutrient solution.
For Leafy Plants:
Use 50 ml of nutrient solution per plant in every one week.
For Veggie Plants:
Use 50 ml of nutrient solution per plant in every one week when the plants are small.
Similarly, use 100 ml of nutrient solution per plant in every one week for large plants.
To buy NPK combo visit
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